Onake Obavva Study Chair

Women has been no where identified equally with men in the history of Karnataka. It is indeed pathetic and curious instance that till today no foundations and no study centres are started in any universities in the name of lower sections women. In this  regard, through establishing a foundation in the name of Onake Obavva, a representative of lower section community aims to fill the deficiency. Through this, it aims to make a special study other and also  other eminent lower communities women.

The foundation, which is in the name of Onake Obavva aims to construct the history of women who have faced the challenges of life through identifying the distind women. This foundation aims to make research and study on Onake Obavva, A representative of lower community.

  1. The foundation aims to re-evaluate, re-quest and re-constrect the history from the perspective of women
  2. Re-constructing the history from the perspective of lower community women who have made great  achievements in their lives.
Mission :

Framing the programmes (plans) as per the perspective of The foundation.

  1. To make an integrad study on the heroic women Onake Obavva (historical social, cultural, political)
  2. Undertaking the research on women who are not been recorded in the history
  3. Collecting information and making study on the life achievers of backward and lower community women.
  4. Providing scholorship for a backward girl research student of lower community
  5. Honouring a lower community women every year through identifying her achievements.
  6. Life skill training programme will be given to the lower community women in the name of heroic women Onake Obavva.

The above six points are the the distind mission of the university.

  1. The credit goes to kannada university establishing the foundation in the name of Onake Obavva who belongs to the lower and backward cheluvadi community.
  2. Constructing the history of lower communitying women achievers from the foundation.
  3. Reconstructing the history concentration on the backward communities women.
  4. Keeping in view, economic empowerment life skill training will be given to the lower communities women.
  5. Constracting the narrations of women who have been participated in the freedom struggle.
  6. Video and audio Recording of the narration of women who have porticipated in the freedom struggle and also who have thought for the rights.
Major Programmes & contribution of the Chair 
  1. seminars are organised and literature is constructed centralised on the thoughts of re-interpretation, Re-quest and Re-construction of history and achievement from the perspective of gender study.
  2. The achievements of lower community women and also the women who have participated in freedom  struggle are recorded  in the video, audio and linguistic forms
  3. collecting the folklore literature which is oriented on Onake Obavva.
  4. collecting the narration oriented on women and constructing its literature

Teaching :
Dr. Shailaja Hiremath, Co-ordinator
Non-Teaching :

Conferences/ Seminars / Workshops/ Endowment Lectures etc. Organised by the Department.

Seminars : 01

  1. The prime seminar ‘Ivala charitre’ (her history) from Onake Obavva foundation was organised on 29/08/2019 in smt. yashodaramma bhorappa women’s first grade college at Chitradurga .
  2. To Understand the need of reconstruction of history from the perspective of supressed women
  3. Constructing the local history from the perspective of women’s study, Re-questing the historical structure plans oriented on women.

The present seminar was organised in the background of the above three objectives.

In the seminars, through lectures are made to understand the need of reconstruction of history of women and also about the history of women during the period of colonism. Special lecturers and interlocation meet was organised on construction of local history; woman oriented history construction from the perspective of women’s study-Necessity of Re-quest. Prominent scholors of the state have given lecturers. 40 professors of different universities and 150 students of differant college were benefited by this seminars.

Contact Details

Dr. A. Shridhar
Onake Obavva Adhyayana Peeth
Kannada University Hampi
Vidyaranya 583 276, Karnataka
Ph: 9448217627
Email : drashridhar@gmail.com

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