Department of History

The department is involved in mainly three aspects of academics:

  1. Research
  2. Teaching and
  3. Debate and intervention in academic issues.

Department of History conducts research on the history of Karnataka. The department has brought out a comprehensive history of Karnataka in seven volumes, Encyclopedia of History in Kannada. It has also come out with a series on social movements during Post-Unification of Karnataka as well as five volumes on Cultural History of Karnataka. The faculty members have produced more than 60 books on their specializations such as identity, language urbanization, Tribal and Dalit Studies. So far the department has produced 76 M.Phil. and 42 Ph.D. dissertations. The Department coordinates teaching and research programmes.

The Department has involved in the present academic debates in/on history and has contributed to the debate by organizing Workshops, Seminars and Conferences on issues such as Methodology, Historiography, local and oral history and recent Writings on the history Karnataka. The department has collaborated with prestigious National/International Institutions such as Indian Council of Historical Research, Commonwealth Commission, U.K. French Institute of Pondicherry, M.C. Arthur Foundations and UNESCO, DSERT, Department of Primary and Higher Education, Government of Karnataka, Administrative Reforms Committees, Government of India.

Vision Statement of the Department
  • To tackle the problems plaguing the Karnataka by historicizing them.
  • To produce knowledge from the perspective of marginalized groups/communities
  • To produce history from the point of view of people, to change the dominant perspective
  • To adopt interdisciplinary perspective to energize historiography
Mission Statement of the Department
  • Developing a well-furnished archive
  • Publishing primary source materials for researchers
  • To bring in Dalit, Tribal and Gender as analytical categories in constructing the historiography of modern Karnataka
  • To have more workshops and training camps for history teachers
Uniqueness of the Department
Department Profile


Programmes/Courses of the Department

Ph.D. in History

M.Phil. in History

M.A., Ph.D. (History & Archaeology)  Integrated Courses


Board of Studies

Notification – 2024

  1. Dean, Faculties of Social Sciences
  2. Dr. T.P. Vijay
  3. Dr. Mohana Krishna Rai
  4. Dr. Chinnaswamy Sosale
  5. Dr. Virupakshi Poojarahalli

Board of Examination

Notification – 2024

  1. Dr. T.P. Vijay
  2. Dr. Mohana Krishna Rai
  3. Dr. Chinnaswamy Sosale
  4. Dr. Virupakshi Poojarahalli
  5. Dr. L.P. Maruthi, Professor, Karnataka University, Dharwad
  6. Dr. N.C. Sujata, Assistant Professor, Karnataka Open University, Mysore 


Details of the faculties :

NameDesignationHighest QualificationSpecialization
Dr. T.P. VijayProfessor Ph.D.History
Dr Mohana Krishna RaiProfessor and ChairpersonPh.D.History
Dr Chinnaswamy SosaleProfessor Ph.D.History
Dr. Virupakshi PoojarahalliProfessorPh.D.History
Major Research Projects

Major Contribution of the Department :
  • The department has published more than 160 books.
  • The department has completed 60 departmental projects and 90 personal projects.
  • The teachers of the department are well known for their specialization
  • Academic flexibility is achieved
  • The department has successfully developed a new historical perspective through publications
Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Endowment Lectures etc :

Details of Publications, Books and Research Articles (with ISBN,ISSN and without ISBN, ISSN) : 

Photo Gallery

Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Endowment Lectures :
Contact Us

Dr. Mohan Krishna Rai

Professor and Chairperson

Department of History

Kannada University, Hampi

Vidyaranya– 583 276
