Department of Dravidian Studies

The department was functioning earlier with the name Department of Foreign and Other Indian languages and in 1998-99 the department was named as the Department of Studies in Dravidian Culture. The department is engaged in Research and teaching in the field of South Indian culture and Karnataka studies.  It carries out comparative Research in the languages, Religion and cultures of South India to foster a symbiotic relationship between the various states. The thrust area of the department is Dravidian linguistics and culture, Dravidian studies, South Indian studies and Indology.

The principal objective of the dept is to interact with all other south Indian languages. To achieve these aims and objectives, the department conducts courses on comparative studies.  Department is undertaking various research projects, conducts seminars and workshops and engages in teaching. The department has organized seminars in major academic centers of South Indian. These activities help the Department to overcome language and culture barriers in South Indian Context.

The research projects carried out by the department presents, consolidate and translate the Dravidian thoughts in all its manifestations. The scholars of the department are completely engaged in cultural studies and editing of the lexicons. The publication of the project ‘Dravidian lexicon’ is an example of the quality work taken up in the department. The department has rich tradition of conducting National seminars in association with premier institutions of south India. The department has introduced a course- Dravida Adhyayan (Dravidian Studies) for Kannada MA.Ph.D.(integrated)  and M.Phil. programs.

The department publishes Dravida Adhyayana– A half yearly journal. The   journal contains scholarly articles by eminent scholars of national and international repute. This journal is a competent representative forum of the department. The faculty members of the department are experts in languages like Tamil, Tulu, Telugu, Malayalam, Kodava and Sanskrit.  With a multi lingual team of scholars, the department has now emerging as a centre of South Indian studies in Karnataka.


Vision Statement of the Department
  • To promote Karnataka studies in the pan south Indian context in particular and in south Asian context in general.
  • To be a premiere institution in Comparative South Indian Studies
  • To promote study of other non-major Dravidian Languages and their culture
Mission Statement of the Department
  • To fulfill this vision the department is engaged in academic activities like teaching, undertaking research project, conducting seminars, workshops, and special lectures apart from publishing the research journal, the activities will be scaled up further.
  • To be a center for south Indian studies/ Dravidian Studies
  • To build a platform for scholars of Dravidian/ South Indian studies
  • To have a comprehensive knowledge of other Dravidian languages in Kannada
Uniqueness of the Department

The Department offers courses on Dravidian Studies, South Indian Studies, Comparative Dravidian literature and Comparative Dravidian linguistics at various levels of programs. The thrust of these papers is its focus on the local and regional history and culture. The department believes that local and region is important in being global in its approach. Since 1994 on wards the department has undertaken about 40 research projects and organized 20 seminars/workshops. There are 22 issues of the half yearly research journal – Dravida adhyayana–are published so for.

Department Profile

Programmes/Courses of the Department

M.Phil. in Dravidian Studies

Ph.D. in Dravidian Studies

Courses offered:

 (M.A., Ph. D., Integrated Course)

Dravidian Studies (OE)

Comparative Dravidian literature (SC)

South Indian Studies (SC)

Board of Studies of the Department

  1. Dean, Faculty of Language,  Kannada University, Hampi
  2. Dr. S.R. Channaveerappa, Internal Subject Expert, Kannada University, Hampi
  3. Dr. Madhva Peraje, Senior Professor, Department of Dravdian Culture Studies, Kannada University, Hampi
  4. Concerned Mentors, Kannada University, Hampi
  5. Chair Person, Department of Dravdian Culture Studies, Kannada University, Hampi

BOS Notification


Details of the faculties :

NameDesignationHighest QualificationSpecialization
Dr. Madhava PerajeProfessorPh.D.Cultural Studies
C. VenkateshAssociate Professor and Chair PersonM.A.Folk Epics
Major Research Projects

Major Contribution of the Department :
  1. Critical evaluation of South Indian Culture as a whole and also assessing its uniqueness in the context of Karnataka.
  2. Creating literary history of major South Indian Languages in Kannada to help Kannada scholars to have a comparative perspective
  3. Taking steps towards reassessing the concept of Dravida by discussing all its aspects.
Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Endowment Lectures etc :

Details of Publications, Books and Research Articles (with ISBN,ISSN and without ISBN, ISSN) : 

Photo Gallery

Contact Us

Sri C. Venkatesh

Associate Professor and ChairPerson

Department of Studies in Dravidian Culture

Kannada University, Hampi

Vidyaranya– 583276

Email :

Mobile : 94806 21665