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Kannada University Extension Centre , Devadurga

The Extension Centre of Kannada University, Hampi was established in the year 2017 and 2018 academic year in Raichur District’s Devadurga – one of the most backward districts of the Hyderabad Karnataka Region. The primary objective of this centre is to extend the facilities of the Higher Education to the youths of this backward region. The centre is committed to promote an intellectual climate through artistic creation, critical mediation and innovative ideation. The extension centre, at present, runs integrated course Ph.D in Kannada Studies, Rural Development and Bachelor’s Course in Music. The centre inculcates in bridging a gap of holistic integrated education to the young minds. The only motive of the Government Kannada University, Hampi to start a PG Extension Centre in Devadurga is to reach the unreached in every corner and in outskirts of the backward districts of the Hyderabad Karnataka region. It plays a vital role in providing the completeness of wisdom and knowledge, by educating and enriching the students from highly rural areas. It always excels with the sense of rendering standard education for a fulfilled development of this area. The center is making efforts to engross the teachers and students of Devadurga Taluka to actively engage in studies and research.
Apart from instructing the prescribed syllabi in a methodical manner, the extension center, also aims to bring positive changes in the lives of the Kannadigas of this region by presenting people with the opportunity to learn something, to sow a new seed of knowledge. In view of this righteous philosophy the center is running the aforesaid three departments with strength of about 55 students. A large number of enrolment is expected in the coming years.
Department of Kannada Literature
It was established with a hope of positive social transformation and empowerment through knowledge would be possible only if higher education can reach every nook and corner of this backward region. The center has commenced integrated M.A., Ph.D in Kannada literature to bring about the benefits for the students of this region. The extension center aims for the inclusive growth for socioeconomic transformation and sustainable makeover by engaging students and teachers a like of this region in research and other activities.
The Centre strives to bring about symmetry between life and literature by thrusting upon research activities to discover the lives of men that have evolved through art, literature, cultural beliefs, and conflicts. The center would make attempts to traverse beyond the limits and create a world where young boys and girls of this region excel in both reading and writing. The center also aims to study the social, economic, cultural and political aspects of Devadurga area. The center shall aim to work for an integrated development of Kannada language, both written and spoken; to impart instruction and training at very high levels in Dravidian languages, literature and culture related art and crafts and allied subjects with an indigenous thrust; to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge by diverse of means, including the use of new and advanced communication technologies.
The department also aspires to study and assess the life and works of creative writers of this region and their relevance to the present times. The department has definite plans to conduct seminars, conferences’ and workshops of the contemporary issues.
Department of Studies in Rural Development
Kannada University, Hampi established department of Studies in Rural Development along with the Department of Studies in Kannada. This school has commenced integrated course in M.A., Ph. D in Rural Development. The primary objective of this department is established in view of the fact that the establishment of Rural Developmental Studies can boost the backward region in several ways as this particular region has been considered as one of the most backward regions by Statistics Department of Karnataka and other factors. The index factor of the Karnataka State indicates the fact that Devadurga Taluka stands at the bottom when it comes to developmental aspects.
Considering the backwardness of this Taluka, the Kannada University, Hampi has endeavored to bring changes in the lives of the people of this region with regard to social, economic, and political aspects. The university aims to study and assess the region in a methodical manner supported by scientific research. The university believes that seminars, conferences, special lectures and workshops can awaken the consciousness of the young minds. It acts as a right platform for those who pursue higher education. One of the fundamental rationales of this department is to see that the common citizens of the region do take part in these research related activities and help develop the region holistically. The department goes all-out to find the historical reasons to discover the reasons for the backwardness and to find possible solutions to have a prosperous and developed region.
Department Profile
Major Programs/Courses of the Department
Courses offeredin :
M.A.Ph.D., (Kannada Literature )
M.A.Ph.D. (Rural Development)
Syllabus :
Details of the faculties :
Name | Designation | Highest Qualification | Specialization |
Dr. Shantappa | Assist. Professor and Director | Ph.D | Kannada |
Dr.Gangamma | Guest Lecturer | Ph.D | Kannada & Folklore |
Shri Sabanna | Guest Lecturer | Ph.D | Kannada |
Dr.Yalappa.T | Guest Lecturer | Ph.D | Economics |
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Assistant Professor and Director
Kannada Sahitya Vibhaga
Vistarana Kendra, Devadurga