satellite centers
Kuvempu Kannada Study Center , Kuppali

Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre, established in 2003, is named after versatile Kannada writer Kuvempu. His deep intellectual observations have always been a great source of social and cultural milieu. Hence, his profound thoughts on political, social and cultural issues are being employed as an effective tool to resolve the contemporary problems of our land. The Kuvempu University, situated in Shimoga district in Karnataka, was set up in 1988 to make his intellectual influence pervade all over the state. Similarly, the Rashtrakavi Kuvempu Prathishtana (Trust) established in Kuppalli village, the birthplace of Kuvempu, is actively involved in spreading the ideas of Kuvempu. Realizing the dire need of conducting research studies on the unpublished works of Kuvempu, Kannada University has set up this extension centre at Kuppalli. The Centre has been conducting M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses under able guidance of Directors deputed by Kannada University. Dr. Shiva Reddy (Dept. of Translation Studies), Dr. Hi. Chi. Boralingaiaha (Dept. of Tribal Studies), Dr. Karaigowda Beechanahally ((Dept. of Translation Studies), Dr. B. M. Puttaiah (Dept. of Kannada Literature) have rendered service as the Directors of this Centre. Presently Dr.B.M.Puttaiah is working as the Director of this Centre.
The Department of Kannada Literature (DKL), Kannada University has been taking care of academical and administrative work besides conducting entrance tests for M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses. The DKL also conducts colloquium and viva exam for Ph.D. students the concerned authorities of the department evaluate the Ph.D. and M.Phil. Dissertations. The Centre has an indigenous museum which consists of 800 native implements which are part and parcel of culture of Malnad and Coastal Karnataka region.
Vision Statement of the Department
- To study the literary works of Kuvempu in various knowledge disciplines.
- To explore the literary occupations of Kuvempu.
- To spread the intellectual rationalism of Kuvempu and enable scholars, readers, students and youths to get acquainted with his literary ideas.
- To analyze Kuvempu’s deliberations on culture, language poetry, history and tradition.
- To understand the constructivism of his intellectual ideas on building vibrant Kannada land.
- To conduct national and international seminars and symposiums on the literary works of Kuvempu.
- To publish the papers presented at symposiums.
- To develop the Museum with indigenous articles which are essential in Malnad and Coastal region.
- To make this a student-and scholar-friendly research centre.
- To create awareness on conservation of nature which is the primary source of inspiration for most of his literary works.
Mission Statement of the Department
- To republish the printed works of Kuvempu.
- To edit and publish the printed literary works of Kuvempu.
- To publish abridged version of Kuvempu’s intellectual ideas and make them available for students and youths.
- To develop the Kuvempu Sahyadri Museum.
- To introduce the agricultural ideas of Kuvempu to the new-age generations.
Uniqueness of the Department
- To study the life and works of Kuvempu.
- To understand the literary and social aspects of Kuvempu and publish the same in order to enable easy accessibility to research scholars.
Department Profile
Major Contributions of the Department
- The Department has published the comprehensive literary works of Kuvempu.
- Successfully conducted national-level seminars on Kuvempu’s works.
- Introduced the ideas of Kuvempu to all sections of the society.
Sl.No | No. of Students | Year | Department |
01 | 3 | 2012-13 | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre |
02 | 6 | 2013-14 | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre |
03 | 9 | 2014-15 | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre |
04 | 15 | 2015-16 | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre |
05 | 21 | 2016-17 | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre |
Details of the Faculty
Sl.No | Name | Qualification | Service |
01 | Dr. B.M. Puttaiah Professor and Head of the Department | M.A. (Literature Kannada), M.Phil. Ph.D. | 28 Years |
Divya Project Assistant 2014 December to 2017 November | M.A. | 3 Years | |
02 | Mallika K.R. Temporary Staff | M.A. | 16 Years |
03 | Gunda Temporary Staff | 16 Years | |
04 | Shashikala Temporary Staff | 10 Years | |
05 | Gurumurhti J.V. Temporary Staff | 5 Years |
Conferences/ Seminars / Workshops/ Endowment Lectures etc. Organised by the
Sl.No | Name of the Organiser | Title of the Seminar | Collaboration | Venue | Date |
01 | Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College, Ujire | Seminar on kuvemu Literature | Kuvempu trust and Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre | Kuppali | 19, 20 January, 2013 |
02 | Rani Chennamma University, Belagavi | A Comparative Study on Kuvempu and Wordsworth | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre | Kuppali | March, 2013 |
03 | Kuvempu Study Centre, Kuppali | Literature on Thejaswi 75 | Kuvempu Trust | Kuppali | April, 5-6, 2014 |
04 | Kuvempu Study Centre, Kuppali | Photography Training on Environment of Kuvempu Literature | Kannada University, Hampi | Kuppali | May, 1-4, 2014 |
05 | Dept. Of Fine arts, Kannada University, Hampi | Workshop on Sculpture | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Kuppali | June, 8, 2014 |
06 | Kannada Literature Dept. Kannada University, Hampi | Workshop on Kannada | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Kuppali | December, 29-31, 2014 |
07 | Kuvempu study Centre | Special Lecture | Thunga Mahavidyalaya Thithahalli | Thunga Mahavidyalaya Thithahalli | March, 11, 2015 |
08 | Department of Language Studies, Kannada Univeristy, Hami | Kannada Nudi Balake-Arivina Kammata | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | March, 26, 2015 |
09 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Workshop on Bendre and Kuvempu Literature | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Kuppali | March, 27-29, 2015 |
10 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Special Lecture on Kuvempu | Ramanashree Akademi | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | February, 18, 2016 |
11 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Srujana, Lekhakiyara Balaga | Srujana, Lekhakiyara Balaga | Kuppali | 14, April, 2016 |
12 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Ambedkar Jayanthi | Kuppali | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | 14, April, 2016 |
13 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Kannada Kavya Oduva Habba | Kuvempu Bhasha Bharathi Pradhikara, Banglore | Kuppali | Kuppali 11-20, November, 2016 |
14 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Kuvempu Kruthi Samvada | Kuvempu Kannada Study Centre, Mysore | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | 12, December, 2016 |
15 | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | Workshop on Kuvempu Sahithya Parisara | Baduku Community College, Bangalore | Kuvempu study Centre, Kuppali | 20-22, December, 2016 |
Details of the Student (No. of Students of Ph.D,. M.Phil, .M.A,.Ph.D,. Social category-wise)
Research Projects
Name of the Researcher | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount | Year | Completed / On going |
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy | An Inter Cultural Study on Cover pages of Kannada Literary Texts | Kannada University, Hampi | 45,000 | 2012-13 | On going |
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy | Encyclopaedia on Kuvempu | Kannada University, Hampi | 50,000 | 2012-2015 | On going |
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy | Kuvempu Soundarya Meemaamse | Kannada University, Hampi | 25,000 | 2012-2015 | On going |
Details of Publications Books
Name of the Author/Editor | Name of the Book | Name of the Publisher | Year of Publication | ISBN No. |
Dr. H.C. Boralingaiah | Mahila Manthana | |||
Dr.Karigowda Beechanahalli | Encyclopaedia on Kuvempu | |||
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy | Kuvempu Soundarya Meemaamse | A Kuvempu Bhasha Bharathi Pradhikara, Bangalore | 2016 | |
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy, Editor | A Kuvempu Bhasha Bharathi Pradhikara, Bangalore | 2016 | ||
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy | Photography | Sanchaya - 98 | May-June, 2012 | |
Dr.K.C. Shivareddy | Heggadithi 75 | Vijaya Karnataka | April 15 |