Faculty of Language
Department of Women Studies

Kannada University, Hampi Department of women’s Studies, was started in 1999. With the faculty members who were specialized in Women’s Issues. The department undertakes examination and rewriting of existing knowledge in all the disciplines from a feminist perspective. Apart from examining existing knowledge the projects related to gender studies are also taken up in major way.
Translation of major research books in gender studies is also in progress. In order to disseminate knowledge of the women’s studies, introductory books have been written and published by the Department. The Department with the help of Distance Education Centre runs a distance education programme in ‘Diploma in Women`s Studies’. The department intends to produce a sensitive and strong young generation which can ably further the cause of gender equality in society. To achieve this, the department needs to produce more and more reading material, especially in Kannada language. The department focuses on Teaching, Research and Extension activities. Through these activities the department tries to build gender equal society in this region and also incorporate local knowledge in the Epistemology.
Gender equity Promotion and Programs Programmes
7.1.1 Gender equity
Vision Statement of the Department
- To Incorporate feminist perspective in all existing knowledge
- To produce and disseminate gender related knowledge in Kannada
- To create awareness about gender equality
- To create a strong feminist network in Karnataka
- To enhance the ranking of women empowerment in Hyderabad Karnataka
Mission Statement of the Department
- To promote Multi-Disciplinary Research on Women’s Studies
- To promote Teaching of women’s Studies in Kannada language
- To Produce Women’s Studies Reading materials in Kannada
- To develop theory, method, and concept to meet the challenges of research in Women’s Studies
- To conduct gender related seminars, workshops, symposium and special Lectures and Health camps in Karnataka
- To adopt one village as a model for gender equity
- To promote extensions activates in collaboration with GOs and NGOs
- To make available research/knowledge on gender issues to both academics and those who are interested through publications, databases and web services.
Uniqueness of the Department
The keen interest of members of this department in various fields makes this Department unique and special. Dr.Shivananda S Viraktamath has been instrumental in contemplating Women’s Culture and Religion. Dr.Shailaja I Hiremath has devoted herself to carry out research on folk and marginalised communities through ethnographic fieldwork. Dr.Yerriswamy E. is interested in carrying out research onWomen, Caste Hierarchy and Ambedkar Perspective.
Department Profile
Programs/Courses of the Department
1. M.A., Ph.D. (Women Studies) Integrated Programme
2. Ph.D. in women Studies
3. M.Phil. in Women Studies
Courses offered :
Details of the faculties :
Name | Designation | Highest Qualification | Specialization |
Dr. Shivananda S Viraktamath | Professor | Ph.D. | Women Studies |
Dr. Shailaja Hiremath | Professor and Chair Person | Ph.D. | Women Studies |
Dr. Yerriswamy E.. | Assistant Professor | Ph.D. | Women Studies |
Major Research Projects
Major Contribution of the Department :
Major activities and programmes of the Department
I. Teaching/Research Programs
- M.A., Ph.D. (Integrated) 10 Semesters (Women Studies)
- Ph.D. (External) 4 Years, (internal) 3 Years
- M.Phil (Regular) 1 Year
- P.G. Diploma (Distance Education Centre) 1 Year
II. Research, Extension
- MahilaAdhyayana Kannada Journal on Women issues (half yearly)
- Five text books for P.G. Diploma Course in Women’s Studies
- History of Kannada Women’s Literature
III. Publication
Research Books, Translations, Text Books, Monograms and Others Books (See Academic details of teaching faculty)
IV. Dissemination and Transmission
A. Advocacy:
Participating as member on the advisory Boards of Different Universities on Syllabus, Examination, Guest Lectures, Etc.,
B. Seminars/Conferences:
- Mahile :DudimeMattuBiduvu (Women : Work and Leisure) -2002
- MahilaSamavesha (Women’s Conference) – 2003
- MahilaAdhyayanamattuChaluvaligalaSahacharyadaSwaroopa – 2005
- Gender and Communities, Three day National Seminar, 2007
- A Brief Analysis on Women Reservation Bill- Three day National Seminar, 2009
C. Work-shops:
- Two days – for Kannada Women Writers – 2002
- Two days-Feminist Research Methodology for students-2003
- Three days – Women’s Studies and Inter Disciplinary – 2005
- Three days – Feminist Research Methodologies – 2006
- Workshop on Devadasipaddatiyanirmulane :Savalumattusadyategalu- 2010
D. Networking and Co-ordinating with other Agencies:
- Networking Co-ordination Courses. Structuring Syllabus examination works.
- Networking with different NGO’s
E. Monitoring and Review
The Department has been conducting Projects and Programmes according to Strict Schedule Successfully. Most of them have already been published. Details are given in publication column.
Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Endowment Lectures etc :
Details of Publications, Books and Research Articles (with ISBN,ISSN and without ISBN, ISSN) :
Photo Gallery
Dr. Shailaja Hiremath
Professor and Chairsperson
Department of Women Studies
Kannada University, Hampi
Vidyaranya – 583 276
Email : drshailajahiremath@gmail.com
Mobile : 9481715062