Faculty of Language
Department of Translation Studies

Translation Studies is an emerging discipline. In India, it has gained importance over the past three decades. Subsequently, in the year 1992, Kannada University, Hampi established the Department of Translation Studies. The department has set itself three main objectives for its functioning: research, training/ teaching and translation.
The mainstay of the Department is research in the area of Translation Studies and in other related areas of study. The faculty members have taken up projects funded by the University as well as from external agencies such as Kuvempu Bhasha Bharati, Bangalore; Sahitya Academy, New Delhi. Several research projects related to Translation Process, Practice and Politics, Comparative Studies, Inter-cultural Studies are undertaken. Most of the Research projects have been published by the University.
Apart from the faculty, research is also carried out by research scholars in the department. The research students are working in the areas of Translated Literature, Inter-semiotic translations, Comparative Studies, cultural politics of translation and so on.
Teaching & Training
As its next step, department started teaching program to impart knowledge of translation and translation studies to students. At present the department is running three programs i.e. PhD, MPhil and Diploma in Translation Studies. Along with these teaching programs Department is also running a Diploma program through Distance Mode and offering two Soft-core and one Open Choice Courses for the Students of other post-graduate programs. The Department also conducts training for young translators in the form of workshop.
The faculty members of the Department have also taken up translation projects to fulfill the need of the society and the scholarly world. These are translations from English, Hindi, Malayalam, and Marathi into Kannada on a wide range of subjects ranging from literature, social science, historical documents to feminism which shows the importance of the translation activity taken up by the faculty. Apart from translations by the faculty, the Department also organizes actual translation workshops and publishes its outcome.
Vision Statement of the Department
- To be the institute of eminence in Translation Studies research in South India (apart from Hyderabad this is the only full-fledged department in entire South India)
- To be the source for researchers in Translation Studies
- To create a group of committed translators between various languages and Kannada
- Identify the gap in Knowledge of various disciplines and take steps to address the gap through translation
Mission Statement of the Department
- To create a database of all translations available in Kannada and also from Kannada
- To have a library of translations of its own, so that researchers can access it
- To train translators through the regular and distance education mode programs; and also through workshops on translation training across Karnataka
- To investigate the relationships between various languages and Kannada through the lens of translations
Uniqueness of the Department
Translation Studies has two aspects: Theory and Application. To be a specialist of the discipline, one needs to master both theoretical and applied aspects of it. The department is trying to carry out these two distinguishes aspects together. All the Faculty members in the department have expertise in both domains. In the field of translation they are recognized as good translators and in the field of Translation studies they are recognized as scholars. The teaching programs offered by the department are designed from this perspective. Translation, the applied part of these programs is to enhance the skill of translation among the students. These two aspects together would improve the translation skills of the students and in-turn improves their employability.
Department Profile
Programmes/Courses of the Department
Ph. D. in Translation Studies
M.Phil. in Translation Studies
Diploma in Translation in Regular mode
Courses offered :
Translation Studies -1 (Theories)
Translation Studies -2 (Applied)
Kannada Translation Literature (HC)
Applied Translation Studies (SC)
Translation Studies (OE)
Details of the faculties :
Name | Designation | Highest Qualification | Specialization |
Dr. A. Mohana Kuntar | Professor and Chair Person | Ph.D. | Malayalam &Kannada Liter ature, translation |
Major Research Projects
Major Contribution of the Department :
In the past two and half decades, the department has put forward rapid strides towards its goal. The publications by the faculty members of the department have created mark in the academic world. The works which were taken up by the department in the field of translation and translation studies pertaining to English, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Marathi gave visibility to this area of specialization as well as to the department. The courses/training programs which are offered by the department are helping to attract younger generation to this field. Publications, seminars and research projects have been highly appreciated by senior scholars.
Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Endowment Lectures etc :
Details of Publications, Books and Research Articles (with ISBN,ISSN and without ISBN, ISSN) :
Completed Events
- ’ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನ’ ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳ ಸಂವಾದ : ‘ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುವಾದಗೊಂಡ ಸೂಫಿ ಕಥೆಗಳ ಸ್ವರೂಪ’ – 07-12-2004
- V.S. Khandekar’s “Yayati” – Online lecture held on 04/08/2023
Contact Us
Dr. A Mohan Kuntar
Department of Translation Studies
Kannada University, Hampi
Vidyaranya– 583276
Email : mohanakuntar@gmail.com
Mobile : 9448997450