Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

The department was established in 2017, to facilitate Students of Hyderabad Karnataka specialize in the field of Journalism and Mass Communication. The post-Graduate Department of Journalism and Mass Communication Offers a two year MA and One year PG Diploma.
The purpose of the Journalism study is to provide students with knowledge and skills to become a successful journalist. The Journalism study encompasses not only news writing and editing in the Print media but also in Electronic media with its specialized papers on Radio Broadcasting, TV Broadcasting, Advertising, Public Relation and Photography. Apart from a Syllabus that spans across all Theoretical and Practical aspects of the discipline, the department conducts special programmes. Department Publishes Vidyranya Varthe 15 days laboratory newspapers.
Vision Statement of the Department
- Media is considered as the fourth pillar of democracy and forms the backbone of any Developing nation. The Development strives to provide a platform for students from rural and downtrodden sections to explore the field of Journalism and Mass Communication. The Departments aims to contribute to the society through imparting a dynamic flair for writing, creative bent of mind, nose for news, adept in the photo and video editing as well as innovative and professional use of the mass media.
- Educated minds of sufficient Knowledge with Particular Subject.
- Students Trained under the Ethics in Journalism
Mission Statement of the Department
- MA in Journalism and Mass Communication mission is to educate students in a broad range of practical skills and concepts involving the reporting, editing and presentation of information and prepare them for a career in journalism
- To develop human resources needed in media organizations.
- This Postgraduate program will prepare students to enter this new integrated media in the globalized world with a strong foothold. The program’s objective is to produce graduates with knowledge in Journalism and mass communication, preparing them to be leaders in the media and communication sectors.
Department Profile
Department Facilities
- A well-equipped Multi-Media (computer) Lab with 25 systems loaded with latest Software Programs.
- TV With DTH Facility
- LCD Projector.
- Colour Printer.
- Digital Board and Smart Board.
- Photo Copier.
- A reading room with Leading regional and national Newspapers and Magazines for study and Research work.
Major Programs/Courses of the Department
PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
Courses offered in :
M.A. Journalism and Mass Communication
Details of the faculties :
Name | Designation | Highest Qualification | Specialization |
Dr. S.Y. Somashekhar | Professor and Chairperson | M,A, Ph.D. | |
Lokesha S.K. | Guest Lecturer | MS Communication | Journalism |
K.Padmavathi | Guest Lecturer | MA Journalism and Mass communication and K-set | Journalism |
Major Research Projects
Major Contribution of the Department :
- Identification, documentation and analysis of the regional and social dialects of Kannada.
- Extending, revising and reconstruction the knowledge of the structure of Kannada language and its social dynamics.
- Identifying problems of using Kannada in various domains such as Administration, Mass Communication, and Education and also in Day to day activities to suggest remedies.
- Retrieving linguistic material from traditional knowledge and transform it as a resource for further research
- Creating a pool of resource persons in the field for further research
- Creating a Forum for discussion on resent trends in Kannada Linguistics
Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Endowment Lectures etc :
Details of Publications, Books and Research Articles (with ISBN,ISSN and without ISBN, ISSN) :
Photo Gallery
Contact Us
Dr. S.Y. Somashekhar
Professor and Chair Person
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism
Vidyaranya – 583 276
Email : sysshekhar@gmail.com
Mobile : 9480395800