Center for Yoga

Yoga is a part of ancient Indian culture. Yoga helps to maintain consistency in human mind and body. Yoga is an art, science and a therapy too though there are various forms in yoga but the ‘Astangayoga’ framed by ‘Patanjali Maharshi’ is Significant . Indiscrimination of caste and creed, ‘Astangayoga’ is practised . As the name itself indicates, 8 – limbed paths described by patanjali  in the yoga sutra. The name 8 limbs comes from the Sanskrit teem ‘Astang’ and refers to the eight limbs of yoga. Yama (attributes toward our environment), Niyama (attributes toward ourselves), Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (restraint or expansion of the breath), Pratyhara  (withdrawl of the sense), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (enlightenment). Yoga boosts brain power and reduces stress It develops  physical strength and rejuvenates our body making it stronger, more flexible and controlled. If each person systematically follows the yoga, he could stay away from physical and psychological unfitness.

At this Modern Period technological instance, each person in one or the  other way is suffering physical and mental stress. To get a relief from stress it is inevitable to practice yoga everyday. In this background, to teach yoga science theologically and practically, it is felt necessary to start ‘yoga study centre’ in Hampi Kannada University. following is the details  of the purpose, action plans, building [structure] of the centre, necessary staff, advising committee, financial resource and estimated expenditure of  this yoga study centre.

Vision  and  Mission of the Center

The centre aims to study different perspectives of yoga science. in the name of  ‘yoga study centre’ symbolically. To start certificate course, diploma course and MA yoga study and other post graduation course related of  yoga. To organise yoga training camps. To start libraries related to yoga study. To arrange seminars, special lectures for common people related to yoga study. To begin researches on yoga study. To interchange thoughts with national – International yoga institution. To publish books related to yoga study. To honour experts in Yoga study and to honour Yoga teachers. Non Kannada Language books related to Yoga would be made to translate from Experts. Preparing terminological and cultural Encyclopaedia of  Yoga shastra.

 Uniqueness and Major  programmes  of  the Center
  1. organise seminars and lectures on Yoga study through out the state.
  2. To start certificate course, diploma course, post graduation courses.
  3. To prepare periodically syllabus from the Expert committee on Yoga study.
  4. To exhilarate Yoga practically.
  5. To arrange Debate inter location  with the Yoga Experts.
Major Contributions of the Center

5th Intrnational Yog Day Celebration : Five Days Yog Training Camp.

The Kannada University which is in the surroundings of world famous world heritage Hampi, has celebrated gorgeously the International Yoga day this year too as was celebrated in the previous years. With co-operation of Patanjali yoga Samiti of Hosapete, Yoga Study Centre of the Kannada University has organized a “Special Yoga Camp” for five days in the Morning 6 am to 7.30 am from 17-6-2019 to 21-6-2019. The Students, Teaching\Non Teaching staff and the people of surroundings actively involved and Participated in the Camp.

On 17-6-19, at early morning 6am, Yogacharya Sri Bhawaralal Arya, Incharge of Haridwara Patanjali yoga Peeth of Karnataka State has inaugurated the Programme by pouring water to the Plant under the chairmanship of Hon. Vice chancellor Dr. S.C.Ramesh. The Convenor of the Centre Dr. F.T.Hallikeri in his introductory Speech explained the objectives of Yoga Study Centre. Deputy Registrar Dr. A. Venkatesh, Smt Dakshayani Shivakumar of Mahila Patanjali Yoga Samiti Hospet, Sri Krishna Nayak of Patanjali Kisan Samiti, Veeresh Babu, Dr. Sampath Kumar Doctor of Kannada University were Present in the Programme.

Details of Staff

Teaching :

  • Dr. Madhava Peraje , Director

Guest Faculty

  1. Sampat Kumar Teggi
  2. B. Siddaramesh
Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Endowment Lectures etc. organised by the Centre

Special Lecture was organized on 21-6-2019 at 11am in convention Hall of Kannada University with regard to the 5th International Yoga Day. In the Chairmanship of Hon Vice Chancellor Dr. S.C.Ramesh, Sri Panchalingappa Kavalur, The Founder of Sri Arudh Yoga Centre, Hubli, Theoretically and Practically taught the Significance of yoga. The Chairperson of the Programme, Hon Vice Chancellor Dr. S.C.Ramesh opined “Yoga Practice is a Unique Medicine to get relieved from Psychological stress and Physical tiredness. Dr. F. T.Hallikeri, Convenor  of Yoga Study Centre welcomed all and explained on the significance of international Yoga day.

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Contact Us

Dr. Madhava Peraje 


Yog Sudy Center

Kannada University Hampi

Vidyaranya 583 276, Karnataka

Mobile  :   9448092732

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