As per the orders of Karnataka State Government Higher Education Department and UGC vide Higher Education Department letter No:ED/58UNE/2004, dated 4-3-2004 every institution accredited by NAAC for the post accreditation process it is mandatory to create an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). In this background IQAC was started in Kannada University on 10.01.2006.
Conducting quality initiatives to maintain and enhance the internal quality of the University.
- Submission of reports to NAAC for assessment as per changed norms from time to time.
- Creating a spirit of quality enhancement in academic and administrative activities of the University.
- Maintain the systematic preservation of the academic and administrative records of the University.
- Arrange the discussions with other academic institutions to maintain the internal quality of the University.
Important Functions
IQAC has been working to enhance and sustain quality in the Higher Education. In 2003 Kannada University presented its performance for assessment and accreditation before the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and was accredited with B++ level 2. In 2012 Kannada University presented for 2nd Cycle of re-Accreditation process and accredited with score of 3.02 on 4 point scale and grade A. In 2020 Kannada University presented for 3rd Cycle of re-Accreditation process and accredited with score of 2.50 on 4 point scale and grade B. Now the 4th Cycle of re-Accreditation process is underway.
Supplementary Activities
- Prepare the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) and submit report to the NAAC as per NAAC’s Quality Parameter.
- Organise the Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Demonstrations, Training Programs on quality in higher education related themes.
- The IQAC will take academic feedback from the Faculty, Alumni, Students regarding the curricular activities and on the facilities of the University. Finally feedback will be analysed and prepare the report.
Vidyaranya – 583 276, Hospet (Taluk) Bellary (Dist.) Karnataka (State). INDIA.