Teaching Method
The teaching method of Directorate Of Distance Education, Kannada University is quite distinct from other universities. The University focuses more on learner-centric method and invites students to involve in the process of learning voluntarily. The teaching method includes distributing printed material, conducting contact classes, discussion and dialogue with teachers and experts. The DDE employs the following multi communication method of teaching.
- Self Study Material
- Contact Classes conducted by experts and professors
- Oral test/Assignments
3.2 Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction for all PG, PG Diploma and Diploma courses is Kannada. The candidates need to write the annual exam in Kannada. The printed material supplied to candidates is in Kannada language.
3.3 Self Study Material
The self study material supplied to candidates is the major source of learning for candidates. Each unit in the self study material can make student study for 5 to 10 hours. The candidates are expected to go through the self study material thoroughly and also study the suggested reference books.
3.3.1 Distribution of Study Material
- Candidates shall be given self study materials at the Directorate of Distance Education or Authorized Study Centers at the time of admission to courses.
- Study materials can be had after furnishing suitable admission records.
- Candidates who can not avail study material at DDE or Authorized study centers shall be sent by Post.
- Candidates can contact the DDE or Coordinator of Authorized study centers if they do not get the study material in time. In case of receipt of irrelevant study material, candidates can write a letter within 15 days from the date of receipt. Such irrelevant study material should be sent back to DDE or Study centers.
- Study material shall be sent by VPP, Express Post parcel or courier to those who opt for postal admission. In case of return of the parcel, candidates have to pay for the extra postal expenditure. No personal communication shall be made in this regard.
- DDE shall not be responsible for non-delivery of study material sent by post. Candidates opting for additional chapters shall pay the prescribed fee for each chapter.
Vidyaranya – 583 276, Hospet (Taluk) Bellary (Dist.) Karnataka (State). INDIA.