3.4.5. ISSN
3.4.6. ISBN PART 1
3.4.6 ISBN PART 2
Feedback Report 20-21
Academic Calendar
Procedures for Maintaining Facilities
Self Study Report for 3rd cycle Accreditation
DVV Clarifications :
Sub Indicators
2.1.1. Out of state Students list
7.1.9 Differently abled Photo
6.2.1. Strategic plan and Deployment Document
3.2.3. Project Funded by Geo’s and Non Geo’s
3.3.2 workshop conducted details
3.7.1. Collaborative Activities
3.7.2. Linkages with institution
6.2.4 .Minutes of meetings and implementation of Various Bodies/cells/Committees
Minutes of ATR 2016-17, Minutes of ATR 2017-18, Minutes of ATR 2018-19
6.5.2 . Institution reviews through IQAC
7.1.15 . Courses on human Value
AQAR – 2022-23
2.2.1 Special Programs for Advanced Learners and Slow Learners
2.7.1 Student Satisfactory Survey
3.3.2 Workshops Seminars on Research Methodology
3.4.6 books and chapters in edited volumes published
3.7.1 collaborative activities
AQAR – 2023-24
4. Academic Calendrer- 2023-24
3.4.5. Number of research Papers– 2023-24
3.4.6. Number of Books and Chapters – 2023-24
5.1.2 competitive examinations
5.2.1. Number of Students Qualifying
Third Cycle
1. Self Study Report for 3rd cycle Accreditation
Second Cycle.
1. Criteria wise Analysis
2. Overall Analysis
3. Recommendation And Suggestion
First Cycle
4. Recommendation And Suggestion
Vidyaranya – 583 276, Hospet (Taluk) Bellary (Dist.) Karnataka (State). INDIA.